Fort Scott Community College offers you more than 35 fields of study, with locations in Fort Scott, Paola, Pittsburg, Pleasanton, and Frontenac. Additionally, FSCC offers more than 50 general education courses, which are accepted by Kansas universities to transfer as equivalents.
To apply, simply click the Apply Now button at the top of any page. Applying is always free and does not commit you to attending FSCC; it will help you get more information about enrolling, financial aid, and more!
Academic Course Catalog
Academic Calendar
Degrees Offered
If you have questions regarding the courses, programs, or their locations, please contact the Admissions Department at 620-223-2700 ext. 3510 or
Please note that FSCC has several outreach centers throughout eastern Kansas, and each program or course listed may not be available at every location.
Associate in Arts
An Associate in Arts is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree in arts and humanities. Associate in Arts requires completion of 60 credit hour courses with a 2.0 GPA or better. The total hours necessary to complete the Associate in Arts degree include 35 credit hours of General Education Framework and additional 25 credit hours. The Systemwide General Education Framework at Fort Scott Community College is organized in six discipline-based “buckets” and an institutionally designated bucket.
Associate in Science
The Associate in Science Degree is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Associate in Science requires completion of 60 credit hour courses with a 2.0 GPA or better. The total hours necessary to complete the Associate in Science degree include 34-35 credit hours of General Education Framework and additional 25 credit hours. The Systemwide General Education Framework at Fort Scott Community College is organized in six discipline-based “buckets” and an institutionally designated bucket.
Associate in General Studies
The Associate in General Studies Degree is designed for students planning to complete a general program of study. Associate in General Studies requires completion of 60 credit hour courses with a 2.0 GPA or better. The total hours necessary to complete the Associate in General Studies degree include 29 credit hours of General Education courses and 31 credit hours of additional credits.
Associate in Applied Science
The Associate in Applied Science Degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed an intensive, comprehensive two-year program that blends general and specialized career education. In addition to overall associate degree requirements, each candidate for the Associate in Applied Science Degree must complete requirements of the specific degree career programs and a minimum of 15 general education credit hours. The degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours, not to exceed 68 credit hours. The 68-credit hour limit shall not apply to any programs having external accreditation or industry standards requirement.
**Please check the individual program requirements for Associate in Applied Science degrees. Please see the Degree and Certificates page for more information.