Helping students succeed
The Fort Scott Community College Student Success Center provides students with a quiet testing and tutoring environment, allowing them to concentrate and achieve their educational goals. Free tutoring for a variety of subjects is available for individuals and classes.
Additional information
The Student Success Center offers a variety of services for students of all ages:
- Free tutoring is available to all students. Our peer tutor program is designed to help students who are experiencing difficulties in a particular course. Peer tutors are high-performing students who have received training in tutoring policies and techniques. Check out the Tutoring Schedule here.
- Test accommodations are available for special needs students. We are here to help if you need a test read to you or to retake a test.
- Developmental courses are available for students who need added support for reading, writing, grammar, English, vocabulary, or math skills classes to help them through college.
- Specialized learning software programs are used by some faculty members as class supplements. These programs can also be accessed by students who need or want extra practice or review in a certain area.
- Quality technology is available to all students through the use of computers. Whether it’s typing term papers, checking email, or surfing the internet, students are always welcome to use our computers for personal or educational use.
- Assessment testing is available for any prospective student. This FSCC placement test is similar to the ACT and aids in placing students in the correct course for their skill level.
- Knowledgeable support staff work in the Student Success Center. We pride ourselves on our ability to help people. If we don’t have the answer, we will find someone who does!