FSCC is UP in Enrollment

November 4, 2019

Fort Scott, KS.—Fort Scott Community College (FSCC) is up 2.10% in enrollment according to the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) 20th day fall preliminary summary. FSCC’s full-time equivalency (FTE) increased from 1,199 in 2018 to 1,224 in 2019. FTE is calculated by dividing the total number of credit hours taken in a semester by 15. 


“It is great to see the time and hard work of everyone reflected in the more than two percent increase in credit hours evidenced by the twentieth day report,” says Adam Borth, Vice President of Academic Affairs at FSCC.


FSCC gained in other areas, compared to other Kansas community college, improving retention and success. Fall to fall student retention for 2018 was 57% (55% in 2017), the state-wide average was 58% according to recent data from KBOR. Student success is also on the rise based on the newest data from KBOR. The Student Success Index (SSI) measures student completion rates in the state of Kansas and is calculated on the number of students who:  1)  Completed at Home Institution 2) Completed at System Institution 3) Completed Elsewhere 4) Retained at Home Institution 5) Retained at System Institution 6) Retained Elsewhere. The SSI can be filtered by: 1) student type (first time entering or transfer) 2) intent (non-degree seeking or degree seeking) 3) student status (full-time or part-time) 4) rate year (after 1-8 years). The latest SSI data is from 2015, as it lags behind due to graduation time frames. FSCC had an SSI of 66.7% based on all students who were full-time, non-degree seeking, after 3 years. All Kansas community colleges averaged 57.4% SSI based on the same criteria. When you look at FSCC’s SSI for all students, full-time and part-time, degree seeking and non-degree seeking it is 51% while the state average is 56.7%. The lower rate for FSCC is mostly due to the fact we have a large number of part time students who take one or two classes to improve their technical skills and do not complete a certificate or degree.


“Credit hour enrollment is very fluid as we continually have students dropping and adding classes as the semester progresses, and  although we are not up a great deal from last year, I’m pleased we have a 2% increase in enrollment based on the 20th day report. Faculty and staff continually look for and implement best practices to make sure we have quality programs and are meeting student needs, this translates to continued high quality programs with sustainable enrollment,” says Alysia Johnston, President of FSCC.


For a full report of FSCC’s data on enrollment, please visit the Kansas Board of Regents website at kansasregents.org or contact FSCC at 620.223.2700.


*All data obtained for this news release was reported from Kansas Higher Education Statistics at https://submission.kansasregents.org/ibi_apps/bip/portal/KHERS.