Date: March 15, 2020 Time: 9:00 P.M. RE: FSCC novel coronavirus, COVID-19 Response
FSCC has been following Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) guidelines for closing schools. There are no specific guidelines for community colleges in Kansas, as we are locally governed. We have students travel to campus from a wide geographical area which exposes our campus community, and makes FSCC more vulnerable to the possible spread of infection.
With this in mind, we have decided to immediately begin spring break from March 16, 2020 through March 27, 2020. Beginning on March 30, we will transition to online instruction delivered through the college’s learning management system, Blackboard, for all general education courses. ALL COURSES (even those beginning the semester online) will observe the two week break in classes. No instruction, exams, quizzes, attendance, or material will be required of the students during this two week period. Please adjust schedules accordingly, and do not make exceptions to this guidance.
All technical instruction at CTEC, Allied Health courses specific to high school students, Welding and Construction Trades at Miami County, Construction Trades at La Harpe, Agricultural Technology (John Deere)/Welding at Fort Scott, Allied Health courses specific to high schools at Burke Street, and Harley-Davidson will continue face to face instruction beginning March 30, 2020 (here is a link to technical courses still planning to meet face to face on March 30: FACE-TO-FACE COURSE LINK). We will evaluate the situation through consultation with state and local agencies to determine a timeline for the resumption of on-campus classes.
Schedule of Operations
March 16 – March 27: Spring Break (No classes or Instruction) March 16 – March 20: Employees report to campus, as scheduled (please see guidance below regarding working remotely) March 30: Online instruction begins for all general education courses Face to face technical program instruction for the courses/programs listed above resumes Standard employee hours resume We will remain with online instruction for general education courses for the remainder of the semester.
Please be prepared to log into your Blackboard account beginning March 30 to continue your coursework. Regularly monitor your student email accounts for communication from your instructors. Utilize this link if you need assistance logging into your account: http://fortscott.edu/blackboardinfo. If you have any additional questions, or need assistance, please contact the instruction office at 620.223.2700, ext. 3400. Students working within the Federal Work Study program will continue to be paid for typical hours worked. Paychecks will be mailed to the address on file, please email Cindy Proctor at cindyp@fortscott.edu with the mailing address you would like your checks to be sent.
Faculty will be expected to remain on campus March 16 – 20 for the implementation of online course delivery. Susie Arvidson, in conjunction with the instruction office will be offering workshops and providing resources to faculty as you prepare to transition your classes to an online modality. Workshops will be held in A-139 for faculty needing assistance transitioning to online courses at the following times:
Tuesday, March 17 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Panopto Training) 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Thursday, March 19 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Panopto Training)
We ask faculty that are already teaching remotely or online be available with guidance and instruction for faculty who are not currently engaged in distance learning. Employees who the CDC indicates are at-risk due to age, or medical necessity may contact their direct supervisor to request workplace modifications or leave time. Employees who feel they are unable to attend work due to family or personal circumstances should notify their supervisor. The leave time will not be deducted from accrued sick or vacation days. Additional information for faculty and staff will be delivered through email.
Administration is working with human resources to determine a plan and staffing requirements that will accommodate student needs on campus and to support our operations during this time.
The campus is open and staff are expected to report to work at their usual time. Employees who the CDC indicates are at-risk due to age, or medical necessity may contact their direct supervisor to request workplace modifications or leave time. Employees who feel they are unable to attend work due to family or personal circumstances should notify their supervisor. The leave time will not be deducted from accrued sick or vacation days. Additional information for faculty and staff will be delivered through email.
Campus Events & Community Meetings
Citing recommendations by the CDC as well as state and local health organizations, all on-campus events will be canceled or postponed until further notice. This includes campus tours (including those scheduled with admissions or athletics), college recruitment events, and events hosted by outside organizations within campus facilities. While we greatly appreciate and encourage community engagement, for the safety of all involved, this will include meetings and/or lunches hosted on campus by local civic organizations.
Those students who are currently living in the dorms, who have no other place to reside, will be allowed to remain in the dorms. Students are allowed to stay in the dorms until March 20, but, encouraged to checkout permanently for the semester during this timeframe. Students must check out with Marci Myers. Students in a spring sport, or enrolled in John Deere or Welding need to contact Tom Havron (tomha@fortscott.edu) to make arrangements for March 30, 2020 through the end of the semester.
Following the recent release of a statement from the NJCAA, FSCC will adhere to the ruling that all athletic events be canceled through April 3, 2020. We will monitor both the NJCAA and KJCCC regarding the resumption and timeline of athletic competitions and do all we can to assist our student-athletes impacted by regular-season cancellations.
At FSCC we are making decisions based on thoughtful review of available information, and working in conjunction with the Bourbon County Health Department, Emergency Management, and also State/Federal Agencies. The continuous monitoring of critical information and a phased approach in our response concerning campus events, athletic events, and alternative methods of instruction allows us the opportunity to be flexible in our approach to a rapidly evolving public health issue.
The decisions being made prioritize the safety and health of all faculty, staff, students, and community. These decisions are aimed at minimizing the impact of this public health issue. This situation is continually evolving and future guidance will be provided as new information becomes available. Please visit the FSCC website for updates and continue to stay safe.
Alysia Johnston
Please check the FSCC website for any future notifications regarding COVID-19.