FSCC COVID-19 Update 07.8.2020
COVID-19 UPDATE – July 8th, 2020 *UPDATE 7/15/2020 Ensuring the health and safety of the Fort Scott Community College campus community and community at-large is our top priority. The institution, in conjunction with CHC-SEK, tested all students residing in campus housing upon arrival, Monday, July 6, 2020. Over 100 students were tested, at this point, eleven individuals tested positive for COVID-19. All eleven individuals, as well as those they were in close contact with are quarantined through July 20, 2020.
All individuals on the Fort Scott Community College campus have been required to wear facemasks and social distance since July 6, 2020. All individuals that tested positive are asymptomatic, and being monitored closely while in quarantine. All quarantined individuals are required to remain on campus, in their quarantined location.
All outside public events on campus will be rescheduled out of an abundance of caution to help protect the community. FSCC is committed to mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and following all directions from the Bourbon County Health Department, Bourbon County Emergency Management, and CHC-SEK.