May 26, 2020

Date: May 26, 2020

Time: 2:15 P.M.

RE: FSCC novel coronavirus, COVID-19 update


Making sure students, employees, and the community are safeguarded from the current pandemic is our priority as we plan for the upcoming academic year. We believe adjusting the Fall 2020 calendar to begin classes on August 10 and end the semester November 24  will allow us to meet the critical needs of students, while also mitigating the possible effects of bringing students back to campus from a large geographical area after the Thanksgiving break. We will send an updated calendar with adjusted withdrawal dates, etc., once the dates have been finalized. 


Updated information:


Fall 2020 classes will begin August 10

Labor Day, September 7, will be observed – campus closed

No Fall Break

Finals will be November 19, 20, 23, 24

Last day of classes will be November 24

Winter graduation will be Saturday, November 21, 2020

These offices will be open: admissions, advising, bookstore, business offices, financial aid, instruction office, IT, library, registrar, and the Student Success Center.

We will abide by all local, state, and national guidelines; masks are encouraged.

Employees are encouraged to work with their supervisor to determine the plan for returning from remote work.

Remote work is still allowable with approval or request from the appropriate Vice President.

Remote work equipment will remain in your place of residence at this time, if applicable.

No outside entities or groups will meet on campus. We will continue to meet all requirements for maximum allowable people in rooms, and maintain a conservative approach.

Miami and Crawford County locations will be open to public access, abiding by appropriate guidelines.

Campus is open for tours. Appointments are encouraged 620.223.2700 ext. 3510

Our goal as of today is to have face-to-face courses, and also have students in the dorms when the fall semester begins. However, we continue to evaluate both fall and July courses to determine the appropriate modality.

June summer school classes will be moved from face-to-face to an online format (with the exception of John Deere Technician Training)

Current FSCC Spring 2020 students may apply for Emergency Relief Funds at: FSCC COVID-19 Student Emergency Relief Grant Application

If you have any questions regarding the FSCC COVID-19 Student Emergency Relief Grant, please contact us at studentcares@fortscott.edu. 

For a complete explanation of the CARES Act, please visit http://fortscott.edu/CARESAct2020

Enrollment is open. Please encourage students to contact advising to schedule an appointment to enroll advising@fortscott.edu

Students desiring to setup a payment plan for an outstanding balance, need to access their Gizmo account and click the link located in the “Account Balance Information” section.

Craw-Kan is providing free wi-fi to locations in our region. Here is a link to the map https://ckt.net/hotspots/




For students without readily available internet access, please contact your local area internet service and cellular service providers. Many companies are working with students during this time to ensure access to internet services. If this is unsuccessful, please contact Janet Fancher (janetf@fortscott.edu) or Adam Borth (adamb@fortscott.edu).



Advising and Enrollment:


Fall enrollment is open and advising will be assisting students via phone appointments and email. To schedule an appointment please contact via email:


·         Russ Souza (russellso@fortscott.edu)

·         Ashley Keylon (ashleyk@fortscott.edu)

·         Quentin Choice (quentinc@fortscott.edu)


You may call 620.223.2700, ext. 3630 and leave a detailed message, including name, student ID (if applicable), and contact information.


We appreciate everything all of you do, and your understanding of this situation. The guidance may change with minimal notice, depending on guidance provided. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.


Stay safe and healthy,


Alysia Johnston, FSCC President



May 14th Update

May 4th Update

April 21st Update

April 1st Update

March 27th Update

March 19th Update

March 17th Update

March 15th Update (pdf)

COVID-19 Emergency Action Plan