FSCC CDL Success Story: Meet Eli Meyers and Tyler Bailey!

July 15, 2024

Image with some FSCC CDL new tractor-trailers and recent CDL graduates, Eli Myers and Tyler Bailey holding their completing certificates standing in front of the trucks.

Eli and Tyler just completed their CDL certificates at Fort Scott Community College (FSCC) in only 6 weeks.

When asking what made Eli Meyers of Paola, KS what brought him to the FSCC CDL program, Eli said; “I chose FSCC because I’ve heard great things about the school, and it was the most affordable school in the area. Before I enrolled in the CDL program, I had zero experience with driving trucks and didn’t know what to expect. I am very happy with my time at FSCC and learned more than I ever imagined. The instructors were great and made sure that I left with plenty of real-world practice under my belt. I decided to get a CDL because I am going to be a lineman. I ended up getting paired with another kid my age that was also becoming a lineman. I got to build a great relationship with my partner and my instructor.”

Tyler Bailey of Pittsburg, KS said; “I chose FSCC to take the CDL course because I took their welding program at CTEC when I was in high school last semester and got close to all the instructors there. They are all good people and have the best interest of the student in mind when teaching them. They are not only good at teaching, but also good at giving advice and information that pertains to the real world rather than just going by the book. My future goal is to be a journeyman lineman and the first step was to get my CDL. Now that I have achieved this goal, I can sign the books at the union and eventually get picked up as an apprentice lineman.

My experience with the CDL program was good. At first, there was a lot to take in, but as time went on, things like the pre-trip, the backing portion, and the driving got easier. The instructors are easy to work with and they teach the program very well.”

Congratulations, Eli and Tyler! We’re proud of your hard work and success. If you’re interested in starting a new career, FSCC’s CDL program might be the perfect fit for you. Check out this link http://fortscott.edu/programs/commercial-drivers-license-cdl/ and learn how to get started on your path to a rewarding career in just 6 weeks. A new CDL class starts August 6th. Don’t hesitate, start the process to get enrolled today!