FSCC 44th Annual Aggie Days

March 1, 2021

Fort Scott, Kansas – The Fort Scott Community College Agriculture Department will host the 44th Annual Aggie Day contest on Friday, March 26th.


“We are excited to host the event,” said Sara Sutton, FSCC Agriculture Instructor. “It is one of the largest contests of its type in the four state area, so we are expecting a large turnout of high school agricultural students and 4-H club members.”


This year will look different than years past, as we will be hosting 5 contests instead of the typical 12. Students will have the opportunity to compete in the following areas of agriculture which include; food science, livestock judging, meat evaluation, speech, and veterinary science.


Aggie Day is sponsored by ReproLogix of Fort Scott, Kansas. This event is the longest running interscholastic competition in the region. “We are excited to have ReproLogix as our sponsor once again and look forward to exposing agriculture students to the embryology side of their industry. ReproLogix provides up to date technology and services on animal reproduction which is an area many of our students are interested in. It has been a great partnership and together we hope to inspire students that participate in the contest to look at animal reproduction as a possible career choice,” said Blake Davis, FSCC Agriculture Instructor.


Teams should pre-register online at http://fortscott.edu/AggieDay/registration by Friday, March 19th at 5:00pm. Registration for the event will begin at 7:30am-8:30am on March 26that Arnold Arena, 2108 S. Horton St. Fort Scott, Kan. For more information, please contact Sara Sutton at 620-223-2700, ext. 3280 or Blake Davis at 620-223-2700, ext. 3290

To view the basic information regarding Aggie Days, please follow this link http://fortscott.edu/AggieDay