Home Health Aide


The FSCC home health aide course covers a variety of topics, including an orientation to home care, working with people, home management, nutrition and meal preparation, adapting personal care activities to the client’s home, mother and baby care, observing a client’s medication, special procedures, emergency care and reporting, and documentation and observation.


To work as a home health aide in Kansas, an individual must hold a home health aide certificate issued through the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services/Health Occupations Credentialing. The aide must successfully complete an approved training course and pass a state test to qualify for certification. To qualify for the training course, the individual must be certified by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services/Health Occupations Credentialing as a nurse aid or concurrently enrolled in a state-approved nurse aide training course. In addition, the student desiring entry to this course must have the ability to comprehend the English language at an eighth grade reading level.

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