Transcript information

Electronic Transcript Requests

FSCC utilizes Parchment to process all official transcript requests. Transcripts can be requested to be sent to a school, employer, or third party electronically or by mail. Parchment allows you to track the status of your request. Please click the link above to begin the ordering process. Transcript requests will normally be processed within 24-48 hours of receipt. However, a longer period of time may be required for processing at the end of each semester and during peak enrollment periods.

Official transcript requests cost $10.00 (plus taxes if applicable).

Having login problems with your account?
Please visit the Parchment Learner Help Center.

Unofficial transcripts can be viewed, downloaded, and printed through your Gizmo Student Portal free of charge.

Sending Transcripts to FSCC

Fort Scott Community College
Registrar’s Office
2108 S Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701

Email (high school and unofficial transcripts only)

Electronic Transcript Exchange
Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc.

Official high school and college transcripts must be mailed directly from the sending institution or sent by an electronic transcript service directly to Fort Scott Community College, or hand delivered in a sealed envelope. The hand delivered transcript must be placed in the school letterhead envelope with the Registrar’s signature or school stamp imprinted on the sealed back flap. Opening the envelope will render that transcript invalid.

Fort Scott Community College will accept both emailed and faxed official high school transcripts directly from the high school. 

No transcripts will be accepted from the student. All transcripts must be sent directly from the sending institution to FSCC.

For high school transcripts to be considered official they must have a graduation date and a signature and/or school seal.

Acceptance of an official transcript for admission does not constitute automatic acceptance as an appropriate transcript for athletic eligibility. Transcripts will be evaluated through the athletic office after receipt by the Registrar.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office:
620.223.2700 ext. 3560 or 3580


Registrar’s Office
Located in Bailey Hall

Call us at:
620-223-2700 ext. 3580 or 3560

Email us at: