Was a class you needed canceled? Did you drop a class? Do you just need a few more hours? Don’t miss out—enroll in a late start class! Visit with FSCC Advising ASAP for more information.
Blackboard Login
Blackboard Login – Login problems?
Blackboard functions both as a complement to traditional courses and as a site for distance learning. Blackboard enables instructors to easily distribute course information such as the syllabus, course reading materials, web links to informational articles, slide shows, videos and other relevant online content.
File a Complaint
Student Complaints
FSCC is committed to addressing student concerns in a fair and timely manner. If you have a complaint, please review our Student Complaint Guidelines for detailed information on the process.
To submit a formal complaint, follow the steps outlined on our How to File a Complaint page.
FSCC’s GIZMO system allows you to add or drop courses, view your grades, set up a payment online, and more.
Helpful Links
Registered Sex Offender Notification
2023 Forms Now Available
Title IX Grievance/Anonymous Incident Report
Greyhounds Take A Stand Against Bullying
Greyhounds Take A Stand Against Domestic Violence
Greyhounds Take A Stand Against Sexual Assault
Greyhounds Take A Stand Against Stalking
Online Account Access
Instructions for accessing Blackboard, Gizmo, Academic Works and other FSCC programs can be found here.
Student Email
Student Email – Login problems?
FSCC partnered with Google to offer a web-based email system. College faculty and staff primarily communicate with students via email, so it is vital that students check it often. Contact your campus advisor for your login credentials.