Albert R. Cummings graduated from Fort Scott Junior College in 1960 and was valedictorian of his class. He then attended Kansas State College of Pittsburg (Pittsburg State University) where he received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a minor in chemistry. While considering many job offers, Albert chose one as a cartographer with the Department of Air Force, a highly-classified government position. During the Vietnam War, he was drafted into the army and served as a computer programmer at Fort Mason, California.
Following his army duties, Albert returned to his job in St. Louis, Missouri and was offered an opportunity to attend Washington University full time. There he completed his Master’s Degree in Applied Math and Computer Science, graduating in 1971.
After graduation, Albert was recruited by Ralston Purina in St. Louis as an Operations Research Analyst. While at Purina, he completed his MBA at Southern Illinois University (1974), and also became a part-time Assistant Professor of Management Science at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, Illinois.
In the mid-70’s, Albert was recruited by Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis where he spent almost twenty years before retiring. He had positions as Manager of Market Analysis and Manager of Sales Forecasting and later in his tenure became the Brand Manager over a new malt-liquor product that he managed from concept stage to national distribution.
After an early retirement, Albert was recruited by Heileman Brewing Company which later was acquired by Stroh Brewery. After working for Heileman both in Chicago and Detroit he returned to St. Louis.
Albert is the father of three children: Simone, Al, and Valerie. Simone has a Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in Health Administration and is a professor at Washington University. Albert, Jr., who is now deceased, received degrees in engineering and law from the University of Missouri. The youngest, Valerie, who received a Master’s degree in accounting, is a CPA. Albert is grandfather to four grandchildren.
He has been active in civic organizations such as the Rainbow Chamber of Commerce of Greater Saint Louis as the first Executive Director, the NAACP, a past Board of Directors Member with the Anheuser-Busch Employees Credit Union, and a past appointee of the St. Louis Public Schools Desegregation Committee. Albert currently stays active in education as an adjunct professor and academic advisor at Webster University.