2019 FSCC MCC Kid’s College
Paola, Kan.—The Miami County Campus of Fort Scott Community College invites the community to participate in the annual Kids’ College summer camp, which will take place July 16-17 at 501 South Hospital Drive in Paola, Kan. The camp, hosted by Phi Theta Kappa students (Beta Rho Lambda Chapter), will offer more than 17 courses. All courses will be taught by FSCC faculty, students, and community members with professional experience in their fields.
“This will be the fifth summer we have offered KIDS COLLEGE to the community. It provides an opportunity for leadership and service to the college students, as well as fellowship and scholarship for the youth in the community. Students, staff and faculty always look forward to summer so they can participate in KIDS COLLEGE. This year, we are offering a few additional courses like, the National Guard, Carpentry for Kids, Earth Science, Ancient Technology, and Civil War: Live. These will be in addition to the all-time favorite: Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Reptiles, Art, and the ever popular Oz Busters (similar to the Myth Busters). The faculty are outstanding and do a fantastic job with making these classes fun and exciting for the kids. Our hope is the kids will have fun and learn something new. We want them to know they too, can be college students!”-Buddy Jo Tanck, Dean of MCC
Parents may view the schedule and pre-register their children online at http://fortscott.edu/miami/kidscollege. Registration forms are also available at 501 South Hospital Drive in Paola, Kan. Payment for the courses is due by Wednesday, July 10. For more information, please contact Buddy Jo Tanck, FSCC Dean of the Miami County Campus, at 913-294-4178 or buddyt@forscott.edu.