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Name & Title | Department | Phone | |
Admissions Director
Director of Admissions
Student Services | admissions@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3530 |
Alexus Stirgus
Head Women's Basketball Coach
Athletics Personnel | alexuss@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7390 |
Alisa Nolan
TRIO Advisor
TRIO | alisan@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700 ext. 7630 |
Allen Twitchell
Theatre Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | allent@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3056 |
Alyssa Martin
Director of Student Life
Student Services | alyssam@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3526 |
Amber Swarens
Business Office | ambers@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5090 |
Anthony Chatmon
Head Track and Field Coach
Athletics Personnel | anthonyc@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700 ext. 7260 |
Ashley Keylon
Associate Dean of Student Services & Director of Advising
Executive Staff, Student Services |
ashleyk@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3550 |
Ashley Page
Communications Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | ashleyp@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3026 |
Ashton Nolan
Accounting Clerk
Business Office | ashtonn@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5120 |
Ben Souza
Director of Institutional Research | Perkins Grant Coordinator
Grants & Special Projects, Information Technology |
bens@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4090 |
Billy Perry
General Maintenance Technician
Maintenance | ||
Brandon Fisher
Welding Instructor
Construction Trades | brandonf@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5387 |
Brian Stedman
Maintenance | ||
Brian Thurston
Director of Facilities and Operations
Maintenance | briant@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4700 |
Buddy Jo Tanck
Dean of Miami County Campus
Executive Staff | buddyt@fortscott.edu | 913.294.4178 ext. 6002 |
Burke Street Campus
Campus | darcusk@fortscott.edu | 620-768-2908 |
Carolyn Smith
Foundation Assistant
Foundation, Support Staff |
carolynsm@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700 ext. 5815 |
Chad Cross
Head Rodeo Coach
Athletics Personnel | chadc@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7020 |
Charles Howser
Logistics Director / Assistant to Print Shop Director
Logistics, Print Shop |
charlesh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4510 |
Chris Goddard
Music Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | chrisg@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3058 |
Chris Larsen
Director of Information Technology
Information Technology | chrisl@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4070 |
Christina Kennedy
Director of FSCC Bookstore
Bookstore | christinak@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5140 |
Cindy Proctor
Business Office | cindyp@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3000 |
Conner Vernon
Agriculture Instructor/Livestock Judging Coach
Agriculture, Student Activity Sponsors |
connerv@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3290 |
Courtney Metcalf
Registrar & International Student Coordinator
Registrar and Transcripts | courtneym@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3580 |
Dale Griffiths
John Deere Instructor
John Deere | daleg@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5372 |
Dan Boley
CTEC Executive Director
Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development, Commercial Driver's License (CDL), Construction Trades |
danb@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Danny Fleming
Harley-Davidson & EMT Instructor
Harley-Davidson, Nursing & Allied Health |
dannyf@fortscott.edu | 620.231.3819 ext. 9203 |
Davis Oehme
Welding Instructor
Construction Trades | daviso@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Deborah Allen
Psychology Instructor
Business & Behavioral Sciences | deboraha@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3160 |
Deborah Hyland
English Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | deborahh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3210 |
Debra Duffey
Maintenance | ||
DeeAnn VanLuyck
Math & Science | deeannv@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3170 |
Dennis Deutsch
Maintenance | ||
Dennis Fritter
General Maintenance Technician
Maintenance | ||
Donald Gillette
Maintenance | ||
Donna VanBuskirk
Maintenance | ||
Doug Hurd
Business Instructor
Business & Behavioral Sciences | dough@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3130 |
Fort Scott Campus
Campus | 620-223-2700, ext. 5220 | |
FSCC Academics
Admissions | admissions@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700 |
FSCC Academics Office Fax
FSCC Academics Office Fax: 620-223-4927
Admissions | 620.223.2700 ext. 4927 | |
FSCC Administration Office Fax
FSCC Administration Office Fax: 620-223-4927
Business Office | 620.223.2700 ext. 4927 | |
FSCC Admissions
Admissions | admissions@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700, ext. 3510 |
FSCC Advising Office
Student Services | advising@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700, ext. 3630 |
FSCC Financial Aid
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm Monday – Thursday in the summertime,
8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday during Fall and Summer semesters.
Financial Aid | financialaid@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700, ext. 3522 |
Gerald Hart
Social Science Instructor
Business & Behavioral Sciences | geraldh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3140 |
Hannah Dunn
Director of Business Operations
Business Office | hannahd@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5080 |
Holli Mason
Director of TRIO
TRIO | hollim@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700, ext. 7620 |
Hollie Souza
HEP Database Manager
HEP | hollies@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7802 |
Jared Dorsey
Digital Content Specialist
Print Shop | jaredd@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4500 |
Jason Simon
IT Security and Compliance Analyst
Information Technology | jasons@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4080 |
Jay Allen
STARS Director
Construction Trades | jaya@fortscott.edu | 913.352.8534 |
Jena Russell
Director of HEP
HEP | jenar@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7801 |
John Hill III
Head Baseball Coach
Athletics Personnel | johnh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7170 |
Josh Elliot
Campus Security | 620.253.0434 | |
Joshua Ramsey II
Theatre Manager/Technical Director
Fine Arts & Humanities | joshuar@fortscott.edu | 620.644.6074 x 3057 |
Juley McDaniel
Director of Human Resources
Executive Staff | juleym@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5201 |
Julie Thurston
Athletics Assistant
Athletics Personnel, Support Staff |
juliet@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7350 |
Kae Lani Bryan
Head Softball Coach
Athletics Personnel | kaelanib@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7190 |
Kaley Binford
Nursing Instructor
Nursing & Allied Health | kaleyb@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 8109 |
Kevin Thomure
History Instructor
Business & Behavioral Sciences | kevint@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3200 |
Kirk Sharp
Director of the Gordon Parks Museum
Gordon Parks Museum | kirks@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5850 |
Kristy Holmes
Maintenance | ||
Kye Weekley
System Administrator
Information Technology | kyew@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4060 |
Lindsay Hill
Foundation Director
Endowment | lindsayh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5830 |
Liza Erwin
Athletic Director
Athletics Personnel | lizae@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7230 |
Lynne Wheeler
Tri-State CAMP Director
CAMP | lynnew@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7500 |
Marci Myers
Accounting Clerk
Business Office | marcim@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5095 |
Maria Bahr
Fine Arts & Humanities Division Chairperson, English & Literature Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | mariab@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 4240 |
Marlee Lake
Cosmetology Instructor
Cosmetology | marleel@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5220 |
Matt Glover
Head Men's Basketball Coach
Athletics Personnel | mattg@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7280 |
Miami County Campus
Campus | 913-294-4178 | |
Michael Clark
CDL Instructor
Commercial Driver's License (CDL) | michaelcl@fortscott.edu | 620-232-5644, ext. 1018 |
Mindy Smith
Cosmetology Instructor
Cosmetology | mindys@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5221 |
Missy Scott
Vice President of Finance & Operations
Business Office, Executive Staff |
missys@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5130 |
Nacoma Oehme
Masonry Instructor
Construction Trades | nacomao@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Nolanda Crain
Miami County Campus Office Manager
Support Staff | nolandac@fortscott.edu | 913.294.4178 ext. 6001 |
Pam Constans
CAMP Administrative Assistant
CAMP | pamc@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7520 |
Pam Speer
Allied Health Instructor, Nursing Lab Assistant
Nursing & Allied Health | pams@fortscott.edu | |
Paula Totman
Cosmetology Instructor - Part time
Cosmetology | paulat@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5220 |
Pittsburg Campus
Campus | 620-231-4497 | |
Preecia Howser
Administrative Assistant & International Student Coordinator
Student Services | preeciah@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3510 |
Quentin Choice
Student Services Academic Advisor
Student Services | quentinc@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3600 |
Rachel Stauffer
Biology Instructor
Math & Science | rachels@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3110 |
Ralph Beacham
Director of Grants & Special Projects
Grants & Special Projects | ralphb@fortscott.edu | 620.724.0390 |
Robert Doyle
Chemistry Instructor, STEAM Club Sponsor
Math & Science, Student Activity Sponsors |
robertd@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3230 |
Rodney Page
Maintenance | ||
Ronnie Jackson
CDL Instructor
Commercial Driver's License (CDL) | ronniej@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Rory Chaplin
Associate Dean of Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development
Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development | roryc@fortscott.edu | 620.644.6057 |
Sammie Horton
Admissions Representative
Admissions, Student Services |
sammieh@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3520 |
Santos Manrique
Dean of Crawford County Campus/HEP Instructional Support Services Coordinator
Executive Staff, HEP |
santosm@fortscott.edu | 620.231.3819 |
Sara Sutton
Interim President
President's Office | saras@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 5200 |
Sarah Smith
Assistant to Instruction
Development Personnel | sarahs@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3508 |
Savanna Ashmore
Math Instructor
Math & Science | savannaa@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3150 |
Shane Kern
Welding Instructor - STARS
Construction Trades | shanek@fortscott.edu | 913.352.8534 |
Shelby Wheat
TRIO Database and Social Media Manger
TRIO | shelbyw@fortscott.edu | 620-223-2700 ext. 7610 |
Shelly Brennon
Nursing Administration Assistant
Nursing & Allied Health | shellyb@fortscott.edu | 620-768-2908 Ext. 8102 |
Sonia Gugnani
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Executive Staff | soniag@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3400 |
Southeast Kansas Career and Technical Education Center ( SEK CTEC) Campus
Campus | ctec@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Southeastern Technical Academy for Rural Students (STARS)
1701 Laurel St.
Pleasanton, KS 66075
Campus | cheyennek@fortscott.edu | 913.352.8534 |
Stacy Bishop
Director of Student Success Center and TRIO Advisor
Student Success Center, TRIO |
stacyb@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7600 |
Susie Arvidson
Director of Library Services, Phi Theta Kappa Sponsor
Library, Student Activity Sponsors |
susiea@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3441 |
Tawny Anderson
Residential Housekeeping
Maintenance | ||
Taylor Wade
Record’s Analyst
Registrar and Transcripts | taylorw@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3560 |
Toni Summers
Nursing Instructor
Nursing & Allied Health | tonis@fortscott.edu | 620.768.2908 ext. 8105 |
Tori Murphy
Instruction Office Assistant
Support Staff | torim@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3410 |
Tracy Springer
Math and Science Division Chairperson, Biology Instructor
Math & Science | tracys@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3240 |
Travis Broxterman
Construction Trades Instructor
Construction Trades | travisbr@fortscott.edu | 620.232.5644 |
Trisha Hamm
Head Volleyball Coach
Athletics Personnel | trishah@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7220 |
Troy McCloughan
English Instructor
Fine Arts & Humanities | troym@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3120 |
Vanessa Poyner
Dean of Students
Title IX Coordinator
Executive Staff, Student Services |
vanessap@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 3500 |
Veronica Snow
CAMP Coordinator
CAMP | veronicas@fortscott.edu | 620.223.2700 ext. 7510 |
Vickie Laderer
Assistant Director of Nursing / Allied Health Director
Nursing & Allied Health | vickiel@fortscott.edu | 913.294.4178 ext. 6103 |
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