
The FSCC Advising Office provides students with professional, confidential academic advisement. FSCC Advisors can help students with enrolling in classes, tutoring services, and other common needs. The advising offices are located in Bailey Hall and are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. To set up an appointment, call 620-223-2700, ext. 3630.

To fulfill each student’s academic needs, we recommend that all students meet with an FSCC advisor each semester. However, all of the following students MUST meet with an FSCC advisor to ensure the students’ academic needs and goals are being met: first-year, transfer, high school students, students on financial aid probation or suspension, students enrolled in developmental courses, and student-athletes​.

Advising Services

  • Accessibility Services are available to individuals that qualify. Contact the advising office for more information:
  • Advisement is available for all students of FSCC. An Advisor can help you to enroll in classes that will lead to graduation and transfer.
  • Transfer Advising is available to students who want to transfer to another college or university after their time at FSCC.
  • Career Advising is available for those who are unsure of what career path they would like to take. We use Kansas Career Pipeline as an instrument to find your interests, talents, and personality match.
  • Tutoring is available to students in the Student Success Center. Contact SSC at 620.223.2700 ext. 4300 for more information.
  • Disability Services resource page:

Student Enrollment Privileges

FSCC students may add and drop courses through Campus Connect on their own; however, it is highly recommended that students meet with an advisor prior to enrolling. Advisors can help the student enroll in classes that lead to proper academic progress. Students who do not enroll in the courses outlined by their advisors may have their Campus Connect privileges revoked. Students are expected to seek the advisement of the FSCC advisors and notify them prior to any alterations to class schedules. To ensure timely graduation, students are expected to stay in classes outlined by their advisors. If the student drops, withdraws, fails, or doesn’t attend class, this will delay graduation.

Open Enrollment Checklist

1. APPLY: Apply online at

2. HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT: Have your high school send a signed copy of your transcript, with an authorized signature and your graduation date. If you are enrolling before your graduation, an unofficial copy can be used by getting it to directly to an Advisor (see #5 below).

Official Transcripts should be sent to:

  • By email:
  • Postal Service: Fort Scott Community College,
    2108 S. Horton, Fort Scott, KS 66701
  • Fax: 620.223.4927 ATTN: REGISTRAR

3. COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS: If you have taken any previous college courses
(including concurrent/dual credit), please have your Official Transcript sent to us
from that college(s). Unofficial Transcripts may be used for enrollment with an
Advisor, BUT an Official Transcript from all colleges will still be required.

Official college transcripts should be sent to us directly from the school using:

  • Postal Service: Fort Scott Community College
    2108 S. Horton, Fort Scott, KS 66701
  • College transcripts can be sent electronically through Student Clearinghouse, Parchment, eScript, or Scrip-Safe. If you use one of these online services, have the electronic transcript sent to

4. PLACEMENT TESTS: Please bring, or email your ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer scores. If you have not taken a placement test, the Accuplacer test can be taken on the FSCC campus free of charge. Placement scores, along with student transcripts will be used for enrollment. Placement scores can be sent to

5. CONTACTING THE FSCC ADVISING OFFICE: To set up an appointment with an advisor to enroll or get assistance with logging into student accounts, please contact us at 620.223.2700 ext. 3630, or

Financial Aid Information

Contact Information