Your first step towards a new beginning starts today!
Adult Education Program
The NCCC Adult Education Program serves individuals 16 years and older:
- Prepare to take the GED test, to receive the Kansas State High School Diploma from the Kansas Board of Regents.
- Receive instruction to improve basic skills in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Technology.
- Raise skill levels to gain employment or promotion.
- Classes are held year round
- 3 day, in person, orientation is mandatory
- FEES: $35.00 material fee (due at orientation), $39.00 per GED Test (4 Subjects – total: $156.00)
Location and Instructor Contact:
- Contact Krista Clay (620) 431-8698,
Class Times Available:
Monday – Thursday
Online instruction available
Times vary, please contact the instructor.
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
– George Eliot