Return to Campus Plan

December 4, 2020

Fall 2020 has tested our ability to adapt and meet our college mission. It has also taught us valuable lessons for Spring 2021 and beyond. Before we break for the winter, I  want to provide you with our plan to return next semester.


Residential student return: (We want to make sure we are not bringing in asymptomatic students from other areas, and will initially test all students living in campus housing. After the initial testing, only students that exhibit symptoms will be tested.)

All students living in campus housing will be administered a COVID-19 test by CHC/SEK medical staff

Students living in campus housing will arrive and be tested in small groups

Tom Havron, certified contact tracer, will coordinate with the county health department to contact students concerning isolation or quarantine


Continued prevention and mitigation:

All individuals at all locations will be required to wear a face mask while in buildings, or when outside if social distancing cannot be maintained – individuals should social distance when possible

FSCC will promote preventive action, such as, proper and effective hand washing

Faculty and Staff will be provided with cleaning wipes/spray for use in classrooms and offices (supplies available in Instruction Office and Student Services office areas in Bailey Hall, and the Business Office in the Hedges Administration Building), and increasing the amount of hand sanitizers at campus events (as available)

Administration will monitor the CDC, KDHE, and WHO websites regularly for updated information on COVID-19 and communicate with Bourbon County Health Department and Bourbon County Emergency Management on current public guidelines

Implement environmental infection control if PUI is identified

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 flyers will be posted on campus and at all FSCC events

Emergency Action plan will be displayed on FSCC website

We will maintain our COVID-19 dashboard on the FSCC website which indicates number of positive cases, quarantined students, and recovered cases


Sporting events and activities:

Attached is the Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference (KJCCC) COVID-19 Protocols document

No fans will be allowed at sporting events through February 5, 2021, KJCCC will re-evaluate allowing fans on February 1,2021

No outside activities or groups will be allowed on campus, FSCC will re-evaluate allowing outside groups and activities on February 1, 2021 to determine our policy moving forward


KJCCC COVID-19 Protocols


For all FSCC COVID-19 information, please go to